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Directed by a group of Forensic Healthcare Specialists who all hold current nursing licenses, advanced practice credentials, international certifications, and additional Bachelor and/or Graduate degrees, Canadian Forensic Health Corporation (CFHC) was established in 2019 to strengthen the forensic healthcare response to intentional violence in Canada. These practitioners collectively deliver a solution to Canada’s forensic healthcare demands through education, program advisement, and legal consultation.

Our Forensic Healthcare Specialists all work currently in the clinical context providing forensic healthcare to persons who experience interpersonal violence including sexual violence, human trafficking, domestic and family violence, pediatric abuse, maltreatment and neglect and elder abuse. All specialists have been qualified in the Canadian court system as experts in the medical-legal response to interpersonal violence.

CFHC is recognized by the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) as an accredited provider of Sexual Assault Forensic Examination education and training. 

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Our Vision

The Canadian Forensic Health Corporation seeks to build and strengthen Canada's healthcare response to intentional violence including; sexual assault, interpersonal violence, child physical and sexual abuse, assault, maltreatment and neglect, elder abuse, and human trafficking. Contact us for more information.



Endeavouring to maintain a multi-faceted support model for all persons, professionals, and communities through education, clinical practice, program advisement, and legal consultation to improve and strengthen the response to intentional violence in Canada.


Fostering independence among forensic healthcare practitioners who strive to maintain an up-to-date body of knowledge and clinical competencies for practice through science and education.

Equitable Practice

Striving to create innovative solutions for all Canadians to access forensic healthcare.


Serving as credible leaders who are passionate about consistently achieving services to do the very best in forensic healthcare.

Social Justice

Implementing a framework based on trust between the company and all its associates, clients, stakeholders, and the broader community with the goal of explicitly benefiting society.


Our mission is to: 

  • Provide a community-based response to intentional violence

  • Increase accessibility to forensic healthcare for persons affected by intentional violence

  • Educate healthcare and community partners who respond to persons affected by intentional violence

  • Provide sustainable program development of a multi-disciplinary team response to intentional violence

  • Collaborate with community partners to provide inclusive and equitable access to forensic healthcare for all populations

  • Establish an accessible and credible resource of forensic healthcare expertise for the Canadian legal systems and courts

  • Participate with advisory groups and lobbyist activities to create change

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